Alla inlägg den 22 juni 2008

Av dennis hägglund - 22 juni 2008 01:25

"This is goodness, the opposite of power, to mean that children may always become the best of us, that we would rather cultivate a gift in them that eventually makes us feel stupid and primordial by comparison, than conjure from a child someone who makes us feel superior."

When we awaken the animal we have a marvel of discovery and learning that eclipses the processing of knowledge and of the images in experience which we imagined as having substance (the images of others and their actions which they have contrived by their thinking to have us believe). This sensibility also retains a perfect sense of life's context, which is of what all the other species along with the cosmos have meant to us when we were whole; and it is not a mere friendly observer of other species, but equally precious to them, always getting as much feedback from them as one seagull is getting from another.

There are two learning options in human potential. The one is the animal, which has evolved for billions of years, and the other is the civilisation handbook, which is in the memory, and which has always been written by someone trying to elicit human cooperation for his private agenda. The first historian and biographer most of us in the West know about has it said that God made him; that he was not born of a woman; that there never were any people before him. Can we imagine that he was deluded, or was he just a liar? And being just a liar we declare him sane (like George Bush)? He did not pass on a history he himself knew, of earlier generations who carried with them the knowledge of their roots in a natural habitat, a place where homo sapiens was indigenous. He chose to excise the known past from the verbal history in order to arrange some clout for himself. He chose to leave new generations in the dark. Lies are the history of language. "Lies are their mother-tongue!"

The animal discovers, learns, in a way that fits two things together: electricity and glandular excretions. When a lower glandular excretion happens in our own bodies this is evidence of a new environment incompletely understood. (When these become perception as other the new environment IS UNDERSTOOD.) A completely understood environment generates higher feelings (which are creating new perception), and to date people are only equipped for nature, not for man's environments. The shift from nature to man's environments, in other words, is responsible for the lower emotions. What we are doing here on this blog is ending an era where man is not equipped for the environment he has produced, which is the beginning of an era where man will radically alter the way he produces changes in the environment. We are studying toward the end of a time when we would make a thing or a change without having it completely understood.

When a lower glandular excretion, a lower emotion, is found as the other perception has finally evolved, actually evolved while we are here in this lifetime. Jealousy, envy, hate, are examples of non-recurring emotions, so that if once we perceive these as the other we can never feel them again. (The senses acquire the perception of the traps. Some feelings only exist as full cooperation with the trap-maker.)

This is relationship, where there is a bond of discovery. The idea that the animal is subconscious or unconscious, so that there is no activity from it that we can be completely aware of, vanishes. The animal intelligence has always been with us, as long as we have had genuine feelings, genuine glandular events. It is only its natural placement (the place feelings originally occupied in relatiohships) that has been confused. And why not? We have been in the care of a caring system, as far as we have known. We have given up the role of self-care, self-responsibility, self-reliance, self-help, etc. We have placed ourselves in others' care. We have suggested peace but accepted that it can't be done, for example. Is that sane, or simple?

In the memory things are this simple, where we do some little part, always oblivious to, or with some vague pre-programmed idea about, how the whole works, and yet this animal we have described in this class is not simple, so we have to doubt its existence: it's too complex to exist! How does a simple creature reflect that once he was a profound one?

What is more obvious than that kept creatures become simple, even more so than wild creatures which have been condemned by the same confusion, the zebra who assumes it's a killer because its eyes, ears and nose do not detect the presence of any other killer around (the natural killer being clever enough to be hidden from those three senses) while its feelings, for some reason suddenly confusing, contradict it? If we keep a creature for too long it becomes more simple than any wild creature could be, because in the wild becoming simple is lethal, terminal. Simple minded creatures are mere ripe fruit.

The zebra scenario has such a simple solution: the zebra understands its place, and realises that this feeling of killer is other, which means a killer is hidden, and it can now feel the killer in the bushes as a blossoming of profound authority. As soon as it is aware of the killer, feeling it in the bushes, feeling the awesome power, it is free. As soon as it understands, from what it feels from the bushes, that the killer means to kill only the zebra that wants to become a killer that doesn't care who it kills (random violence; chaos, a crime the natural killer is incapable of), the trial is over. The killing feeling leaves the zebra's blood when it senses the presence of a grand killer, a killer who lives on blood and feeds its young with blood and has never in its billions of years of evolution been less deadly. Judge, jury and beheader.

What binds the zebra and the killer in a bond of death instead of one of harmony? It is the presence of the inferior version of the hormones in the zebra's blood! The petty copy-cat, the inexpert marauder, the fraud. Are we good at being lower beings, you and I? Are we good at hate, which is torture? At anger, which is bloodshed and bodily breakage? At contempt, which is slumming, winning the flotsam in the stream of life? At fear, which is callousness, a habit of going without feeling the way? At lust, which is to compete for whores, so that he who lusts most poorly pays the least and comes closest to friendship? At greed, which is the partnership with lust, so that he whose greed is greatest has the most deviant sex? At gluttony, which requires a diet of both excessive food and excessive pharmaceuticals or the equivalent? At vanity, which requires complete obliviousness to the significance others put on those who appeal to them, the violence of their fascination, like a pheasant parading in a hotel kitchen? See the split: the good and the evil, where the evil grow more so while the good do not grow more so.

Here is your niche! Here is where good discovers what goodness can go on to become. And as you can do this, you being a small minority, the children can do it far more elegantly. This is goodness, the opposite of power, to mean that children may always become the best of us, that we would rather cultivate a gift in them that eventually makes us feel stupid and primordial by comparison, than conjure from a child someone who makes us feel superior.

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