Direktlänk till inlägg 9 juni 2008

Revolutionary Education in a Nutshell

Av dennis hägglund - 9 juni 2008 19:08

Revolutionary education begins with the infant. He is not lied to; he is not told that things are or were so just because that is how they have been said to be or to have been traditionally; he is not conned or manipulated by parents, teachers and the media. In short, his natural complexity of mind, which is innately exactly the complexity of reality (no contradictions), is not tampered with. And this is partly what we are lacking; we have no educational courses that do not make things synthetically simple.

Violence is the problem. Man has contrived a way of seeing things where violence becomes a game, where someone wins while another loses. Add men to Custer's side of the battle and the Injuns lose. This is not nature; nature generated its own predators. Not regrettably. Nature is the ultimate democracy. Life votes to live with cruel death. Life made the fox and the pheasant as a harmony, and in this harmony the pheasant is not in sympathy with any pheasant the fox may catch because the fox can't catch a good pheasant; it wouldn't want to evolve any such facility. To this mix man added a coop full of chickens where there is no harmony if the fox gets in. In the coop there are no voters from the original party. The new party, the members of the coop, votes for order (no foxes! simple minds welcome!), which is a privilege of the corrupt. And people, like it or not, are in the coop, which is what we can change!

If we eliminate what is not deep enough to be real we eliminate a contrived function of the human mind: memory. Of course the mind has various memories, but this one is the one that reasons and thinks (or, worst case scenario, feeds material to the voices in schizophrenia). This is the conscious memory, the memory that, in time, distracts people to the degree that they establish a kind of life in it, and begin to resent intrusions from the world or the present, the present being, to this occupant or occupation, merely a line dividing past from future, dividing what has been done and hence serves merely as lessons (and reminiscences), from what can be done and indulged in thanks to these lessons.

We must ourselves become educated in this revolutionary fashion, in order that we may educate new generations this way. But this is an instantaneous change, so it is not a question of surrendering to the rigors of the system to put in another twelve to twenty years. We must redeem what we have as that which is to be transcended, that which is too simple for the mind/perception and hence has become the province of said memory.

If we understand that memory contains only what is so simple it contradicts evolved comprehension, then we see that there is no output from evolved comprehension similar to the output from memory; no conclusions, estimates, judgements, reactions or ideas. The evolved comprehension discovers flawlessly. When we adopted the memory and its forms of output we supplanted the natural form of grasping what is happening or has happened, and in the estimate of the memory and its self or occupant this natural form never was and cannot become a form of grasping things, flawlessly or otherwise.

Emotions are a set to the memory, because they become a decaying set of emotions when they are contradicted by the memory and its processes, which is when they are rendered mute and relegated to the blood (the way seeing is relegated to memory by the logic of lenses: the picture must be behind the lens). If a person shows us on his face that he is not angry, then the memory informs us that anger has another explanation: we are angry. It is too complex to work out that he is compelled by political motives to control his face anytime there are human witnesses about, and that anger is a perception of his present political urgency. This is just like a zebra who is biting and kicking his fellow zebras because it seems to him there is no lion in the bushes. He sees no lion, smells no lion, hears no lion; conclusion: it is the zebra himself who is going to kill someone. The other zebras know the syndrome; it has been with them forever. Over a billion sold, is what they say to each other without bothering to look up.

Evolution is emotional. It takes steps, and these are emotions. An emotion tells the organism what new senses it has; it shows the organism how to build its new version, how to upgrade. We know emotions are a glandular excretion cocktail, but what we have forgotten, because we are always headed for senility, is how profoundly specific and versatile these cocktails can be.

When emotion becomes perception there is no self who is feeling it. It is no longer emotion in the body. The body finishes its work, and signals the completion by abolishing the emotion from itself so that it flowers as complete awareness of the other, which is perception.

Take this class; finish it, and you will connect your innocence (the whole mind/perception) together, which means your childhood will become as real now as it was then (not a memory), and children and creatures will be, to you, what they are to each other.


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Av dennis hägglund - 18 januari 2009 08:31

Go to: http://seriouslyfolks.bloggagratis.se/   or http://dhagglund.wordpress.com/    if you want to see my new blogs. I warn you before you click that these are purely holistic psychology blogs, and the reading will require some concentrated effort ...

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